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Development of a Strategic Plan for Controlling the Flow and for Recycling of Construction and Demolition Wastes

According to study, for the building demolition wastes alone there are more than 11,600,000 tons of construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) was generated each year in Taiwan. With the global trend of sustainable development, recycling and reuse of CD&Ws gradually become a regular practice in those advanced countries such as United States, Japan, Canada, and European countries. In Taiwan, due to the lack of proper certification on recycled products, users are hesitating in using recycled products. In addition, the equipment erected and the capability for treating CD&Ws in different treatment plants varied in a wide range. That further troubles users and the publics in getting good quality of “alternative” construction materials from CD&Ws. As a result, the market is lack of initiatives for using recycled products of CD&Ws. With the ultimate goal of recycling all the CD&W, this research attempts in developing a strategic plan for controlling the flow and for recycling of CD&Ws. Several actions are considered in the plan. An auditing and tracing system can be installed for controlling the flow of CD&Ws to make sure all the CD&Ws are properly sent to the capable treatment plants. The development of a grading system for grading the treatment plants can ensure the quality of “alternative” construction materials from CD&Ws. In addition, the development of a certification system for certifying recycled products can alleviate the worry of subsequent users. Furthermore, the development of a website for providing information regarding CD&W recycling can help in educating and promoting the use of recycled products. Each of these actions will be evaluated and plans for implementing them developed in this study. Hopefully with the implementation of all these actions in the plan, the market initiatives and demands for recycled products is increased.
construction, demolition;wastes;reuse;recycling